We are Made of Cartoons

Wad da fo

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Picasa is my friend, thanks andres! Posted by Picasa
Y con ls abeja Maya? Posted by Picasa
Y que paso con Jose Miel? Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 03, 2006

Here's an Idea:

Fire all the congress. They haven’t done anything yet. They think they are the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court thinks they are the congress. So we just switch and get rid of al the lazy ass congressmen and women and have the Supreme Court do the entire job.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


From Engadget.com

PS3, Xbox 360 form truce for photo spread
Posted Aug 17th 2006 7:19AM by Evan BlassFiled under: Gaming

Sure, graphics and games may be all that are important to you when it comes to next-generation videogame consoles, but your spouse / significant other is probably even more concerned with how the device(s) will fit in to your home decor. Luckily for him / her, Games Radar got its hands on an exact wooden replica of the upcoming PS3 (straight from Sony, so you know it's the real deal), and did a little comparative photo shoot with the Xbox 360 so all of us have some idea of what to expect. As you can see, Sony's machine is living a lot larger than Microsoft's offering, but with its all-black exterior, the PS3 might actually be less obtrusive sitting among the rest of the gear in your rack. As appreciative as we are to Games Radar for providing some perspective on the aesthetic merits / detriments of both systems, we still think they could have taken a page out of DocCRP's book, and photographed the mockup next to every single object ever produced in the history of mankind. Oh well, maybe Doc just set the bar a little too high; keep reading for another angle, and then head over to GR for the rest of the *shudder* "pr0n"...

Monday, August 07, 2006

The new Play Station Washing Machine!

Weight over 90 pounds and will not fit anywhere, it will be very useful when wanting to block a door or you can use it as an Anvil. The PS3 is a huge mofo.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I actually like Castro. Unlike many people in the world, he never got to his knees for a fa more superior country. Freedom Is what the people in Cuba and the Iraqui "terrorists" have. But in the other way i love Burger King's bacon. so i'll stick with Capitalism.

Los sistemas de propaganda en el mundo tienen una gran facilidad de crear buenos y malos (la funcion principal de un sistema de propaganda es crear la imagen de un enemigo, la de lados irreconciliables donde uno debe de elegir al bueno) si damos eso por descontado, la pasion que sucita la enfermedad de Castro es un poco exagerada. Para que una isla se mantenga bajo ese regimen, se necesita de mucho mas que castro. El solito no libero a cuba de los gangsters gringos con sus prostibulos.

Monday, July 31, 2006

New apartment, and the expenses start to come.
I hope i can publish some photos.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I have a weblog?????????????